liz ogumbo

There are few Africans whose creative journey has been as diverse, singular and successful as the one travelled by Liz Ogumbo. Over the past decade, this formidably focused Kenyan has established herself as a multi-disciplinary, creative entrepreneur, consultant & content creator.
Since its conceptualization in 2007, Liz Ogumbo’s Fashion Brand is a clothing brand that specializes in offering the global fashion market that exemplifies our lifestyles in an eco-friendly manner, while enhancing our individual expression.
Traversing multiple musical influences through her music, ‘KenSoul,’ since her debut release in 2010, expressed in Luo, Swahili, English and French, Liz’s music reflects her genre-agnostic sound, her Kenyan soul and her life experiences.
In 2014, Liz launched Fashion Lab Africa, the 1st fashion business show to go live in the world.
In 2018, Liz Introduced ‘Liz Ogumbo Wines’ into the wine market. It's not just wine, it's music in wine. Each soundtrack to her enigmatic wines are carefully written to bring to life the relationship between her wine and music.
Whether it’s writing, recording and performing her original music, designing for her eponymous fashion label, hosting and producing Fashion Lab Africa TV and radio, or her latest wine venture, ‘Liz Ogumbo Wines’, Liz is unquestionably the new face of modern Africa, rooted in the continent she loves as the global community that is fast embracing her irresistible vision.
Through all these, she shares an enviable commitment to excellence and to fostering relationships and projects that advance the African creative industries globally.