prophask studios

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no imageGhana

Artist Biography

Samuel Prophask Asamoah is a creative, versatile, and detail-oriented artist from Ghana. He has extensive knowledge in painting, sculpture, and most art genres. His passion for art emerged at a tender age while drawing and colouring many of the things he observed in nature. Asamoah was trained at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi-Ghana. He has a unique way of expressing his artistic ideas in abstract, realism, and surrealism.


Asamoah is passionate about colours. As a result, he works with diverse media such as oil paint, acrylic paint, oil and chalk pastels, color pencils, and charcoal with a cotton canvas as his preferred working surface. He also uses found objects such as plastics, newspapers, etcetera in the form of recycled art to address environmental and sustainability issues. His works bear traces of Ghanaian cultural elements as well as elements from other cultures around the globe to advocate for inter-cultural unity. According to Asamoah, “everything on earth is interconnected, and humans are part of that equation". He believes in justness, sincerity, authenticity, as well as dynamism, hence, portrays these through the merging of cultures. This makes Asamoah’s art trans-cultural and trans-national.


Although Asamoah's philosophy was influenced by the Ghanaian tradition, his themes reflect contemporary functionality. According to Asamoah, “art must record both tangible and intangible facets of life as far as culture is concerned”. He also stated that “Audience should not be distanced from the work but must rather be part of the work”, and one can have that emotional immersion when looking at his works.

His works have been part of exhibitions in his native country Ghana and internationally and have won the hearts of both local and international art collectors and art lovers. 

Below are few selected exhibitions:


 Exhibitions in Ghana

2019 “Dialogue”, Museum of Science and Technology, Accra

2019 “Creations”, Accra City Hotel, Accra 

2015 “Prerequisite” Centre for National Culture, Accra-Ghana

2015 “Mounting the flag of Art” Centre for National Culture, Accra-Ghana

2007 “Independence” Alliance Françoise-Kumasi-Ghana


  1. Exhibitions Abroad

2020 “5th Paris Art Sympoium” Paris France

2012 “Ghana to Korea” Moree Gallery Yeosu- South Korea

2012 “The Living Ocean and Coast” Yeosu- South Korea


Some public and private collections

  • Artists Alliance Gallery
  • Vodafone Ghana, Accra, Ghana 

Best Western Premier Hotel, Accra, Ghana

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